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Tips on Travelling Abroad

People with Parkinson’s and their carers do, of course, travel – both for pleasure and business. If you are planning on travelling you may just need to do some extra planning to make sure that the trip is successful and meets your needs.

Tips for travel

People with Parkinson’s travel all the time and there is no reason why you cannot or should not do so. If travelling for the first time, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor or PD nurse specialist as they can help you with any concerns that you may have. If you have movement difficulties, then the advice of your doctor or PD nurse specialist will help you to plan well and alert you to anything you particularly need to be aware of. They can also advise about medications while you are away. It may also be advisable to find out about assistance at the airport. Parkinson’s Ireland Parkinson’s Passport (Download the passport here) can help you explain your needs when asking for assistance.

Parkinson’s Ireland tips for travelling with Parkinson’s can be viewed or downloaded here

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